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Case study

 \Case study

A101 Retail Chain

The biggest retail chain in Turkey A101 chooses Teletek Electronics fire alarm solution


A101 is a biggest Turkish owned discount supermarket chain. Тhe retail giant A101 was established in 2008 now has more than 43 warehouses/ logistic bases and regional offices and nearly 8000 stores serving customers in all 81 of Turkey’s provinces and the chain is visited by over 500 million people a day on average. A101 Stores is a Turkey’s fastest growing hard discount retail chain. The company’s revenues amounted to $3.89 billion in 2017. Its revenue growth was a strong 32.7 percent. A101 aimс to have 10.000 stores nationwide.

Challenge One of the major challenges in this project was to offer an excellent solution for each of 58 different sized, specific premises and purpose located in different locations. Due to the serious advantages of Teletek Electronics fire alarm products, offered the best solution for each site, as well as the ability to monitor all sites from 1 monitoring center using Teletec Electronics monitoring software Observer.

Solution THE A101 FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS INCLUDES: • 116 Iris Panels • 6100 detectors • 1740 Manual call points • 1740 fire alarm sounders • 950 Addressable input-output module

A101 is Using Observer Monitoring Software to Control & Monitoring all locations and systems from the Center.

The project was launched in 2018 and is still being developed for new company locations.