IRIS/IRIS PRO new functionalities
Don’t forget for IRIS new functionalities:
- Siren Groups added (up to 96). Up to 3 siren groups may be attached to one zone.
- DEVICE GROUP added. One Remote Indication may be activated by many detectors from the same group.
- SOUNDER MODE – New output activation event added. Devices set to Sounder mode will follow exactly the same logic for the addressable sounders in the same zone, even the timing.
- Zero Address detection with check menu added.
- Disablements for zones, devices and outputs are available now at access level 2.
- Fast output programming for Evacuate, Alarm, Reset, Sounder ON events.
- Support for serial connection of Evac panels (Paso brand)
- Support of ESPA444 protocol
- “Class Change” is now with selectable tone
- “Silence Sounder” by zones
- Similar to Evac cycle the panel now have Alarm cycle (for voice evacuation purpose)
- Panel and Loop card versions may now be extracted by ProsTE.
- Multilanguage support
For detailed information you could read in the installation manual or ask us!
Teletek Electronics Team