Eclipse panels with new features
Teletek Electronics anounces the following new features in HW v.2.1 for Eclipse control panels:
- New address for Eclipse 32 control panel – 0096. The engineer enables with [1] – “STANDARD EN50131 ON” automatic settings for compliance with the requirements of EN50131 GRADE 2 Standard;
- The setting at address 6001 is now applicable for both the PSTN and Eclipse VD communicators. Address 6102 is no longer available;
- New addresses to Eclipse VD programming menus – 61X2. The engineer sets messages type for reporting (“x” is a phone number from 1 to 8);
- Added new option “3. MODEM” at address – 6904;
- No combination set by default for Maintenance code in Eclipse 32 panel;
- Added a new option for the Eclipse VD – “ Skip site name”;
- No messages for Area number for Eclipse 8 control panel during VD remote management;
- The telephone communicator is improved.
You can download the lates firmware update (SPF file) from here or from the product pages of the product itself.