NEW from TELETEK – Product Portal
Dear Friends,
We are happy to announce Teletek Product Portal https://portal.teletek-electronics.com/ – a place where you can easily find all valuable resources of our products
🎯 Our goal was to provide you with a quick and sustainable platform that will help you find all kind of documentation related to our products in a matter of seconds.
🍃 Teletek cares about the environment! The portal aims to minimize the usage of paper, thus limiting the waste of materials and their negative effects on the nature.
🔐 You can use the same credentials that you used for our official corporate website https://teletek-electronics.com , in order to access the materials on the new Portal.
🔜 What is next – we are also working on a new, more interactive Teletek website. It will contain more information about our company, our team, the people in the organization and our plans for the future.