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New GRADE 3 certification – Eclipse 99 control panel and periphery devices

Dear Partners,

We are happy to inform you that we have successfully passed the certification of another part of our Intruder Alarm Systems according to EN50131:

–    Eclipse 99 control panel – certified according to EN50131-1 and EN 50131-6, EN 50136-2, EN 50131-10 GRADE 3, Environmental Class I, SP2;
–    Eclipse Zone 8 – certified according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3 GRADE 3, Environmental Class II;
–    Eclipse LCD 32 – certified according to EN 50131-1, EN 50131-3 GRADE 3, Environmental Class II.

You may find the Certificates and their following documents on the product pages or in the Library.

Teletek Electronics Team