
Teletek Electronics’ products fully comply with the European and International Standards. In proof of its high manufacturing quality, the Company was also awarded ISO 9001:2015, issued by the authorized body SGS.
The scope of the certificate is: design, production, sales and service of alarm systems and electronic products.
Our products are tested and labeled by reputable third party bodies for their compliance with equipment standards published by the European Community.
Quality policy
The quality policy of Teletek Electronics EAD is tailored and guided by the vision and strategic goals of the Organization. It includes pro-active actions in the implementation of new technologies in order to be able to offer development and production of highly competitive products in the field of alarm and fire alarm systems and production of electronic products on custom’s request.
The purpose of this policy is to set out clear and uniformed standards for ensuring that all business processes and operations are carried out in an ethical manner. The policy applies to all employees in Teletek Electronics EAD.
The policy also extends to suppliers, subcontractors, representatives and other contracting parties of Teletek Electronics EAD. All parties to whom this Business Ethics applies are individually ultimately
responsible for compliance with this policy.
Lear more here.
Teletek Electronics’ Quality Policy is guided by the following principles:
Maximal realization of the client’s requirements and expectations;
Supporting of effective management system for all company activities, including planning, determination of measurable targets and results analysis;
Compliance of the products and services with the requirements of the applicable standards;
Continuous improvement of the activity for high quality production and realized services;
Compliance with the applicable regulations;
Providing of suitable operation equipment, infrastructure and qualified personnel;
Personnel engagement for the quality operations at every working place and satisfaction of the customer requirements;
Providing of a qualified personnel and development of competence and skills;
Cooperation and realization of partnership with the suppliers in accordance of quality improvement.
As a result of the company policy, the Teletek Electronics EAD management board has set a long-term intents, which are implemented in the company’s strategy.
The Quality Policy is explained to every employee in the company.
The Quality Policy is periodically examined for adequacy by the Company’s management board.
Quality Targets
The management of Teletek Electronics EAD sets its basic quality goals:
Company expansion and development
Rising of the export share
Rising of the market share in the present markets and stepping on new ones;
Increasing the turnover and improving of the financial indexes;
Development and improving of the existing product range and putting in production of new innovative operations.
Supporting of high standard and quality for all company activities and processes;
Optimization of the technological process;
Reducing of defects in manufacturing;
Full client’s satisfaction.
The actual targets are set in the annual business plan as measurement indexes are determined in the form of quality and quantity indicators, and also the responsibilities of the company departments for reaching these targets.
The Quality targets are examined periodically for adequacy according to the company Quality Policy.
All quality certificates of Teletek Electronics EAD could be download here.